Document IIF

Analyse thermodynamique de la température de condensation optimale des systèmes frigorifiques au CO2/NH3 en cascade.

Thermodynamic analysis of optimum condensing temperature of cascade-condenser for CO2/NH3 cascade refrigeration systems.


This study analyses a cascade refrigeration system utilizing carbon dioxide and ammonia as refrigerants, to find the optimum condensing temperature of the cascade-condenser in which the system attained the maximum COP and the minimum exergy destruction. The results indicate that the optimum condensing temperature of the cascade condenser is -18°C under the condensing temperature of 35°C and the evaporating temperature of -50°C. The analytical results of this study are useful for the design and development of CO2/NH3 cascade refrigeration systems and related equipment.

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Pages : 2005-2


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  • Titre original : Thermodynamic analysis of optimum condensing temperature of cascade-condenser for CO2/NH3 cascade refrigeration systems.
  • Identifiant de la fiche : 2006-1176
  • Langues : Anglais
  • Source : Ammonia Refrigerating Systems, Renewal and Improvement.
  • Date d'édition : 06/05/2005


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