Le secteur chinois de la chaine du froid devrait progresser fortement (en anglais)

Grâce au développement économique durable ainsi que l'augmentation rapide de la demande pour les produits alimentaires, les médicaments et les cosmétiques, le secteur chinois de la chaine du froid va connaître une croissance rapide. (en anglais)
With the sustained economic development, fast increase in demand for food, drugs and cosmetics, cold chain logistics industry in China will undergo a rapid growth. According to ReportsnReports, in 2015, meat production in China exceeded 80 million tons, vegetable 700 million tons, fruit 260 million tons, dairy products 27 million tons and seafood 60 million tons.

To ensure those perishable foods' freshness and quality, cold chain logistics is needed. If the shelf life of perishable products like vegetables and fruits was extended from one day to three days, fresh food retailers' loss would decrease by 30%-50%. But, by the end of 2014, China had a freezer capacity of about 120 million m3 and less than 60,000 refrigerator vehicles, lagging far behind developed countries in per capital terms.

As a high-end sub-industry of logistics, cold chain logistics will become the focus of many investors in the next few years. As e-business develops in China, e-business enterprises operating fresh food are springing up and the supporting cold chain infrastructure.

The market size of fresh food e-business was about CNY 100-120 (EUR 13.8-16.6 billion) and CAGR is expected to exceed 50% during the 2016-2020 period.

To ensure those perishable foods' freshness and quality, cold chain logistics is needed.If the shelf life of perishable products like vegetables and fruits was extended from one day to three days, fresh food retailers' loss would decrease by 30%-50%. But, by the end of 2014, China had a freezer capacity of about 120 million m3 and less than 60,000 refrigerator vehicles, lagging far behind developed countries in per capital terms.

As a high-end sub-industry of logistics, cold chain logistics will become the focus of many investors in the next few years. As e-business develops in China, e-business enterprises operating fresh food are springing up and the supporting cold chain infrastructure.

The market size of fresh food e-business was about CNY 100-120 (EUR 13.8-16.6 billion) and CAGR is expected to exceed 50% during the 2016-2020 period.